The sudo component manages the sudo configuracion, I.E: edits /etc/sudoers. It doesn't provide as strict and nice syntax and semantic correction as visudo(8) does, but it tries to warn on most common users' mistakes.


On top, it provides the following fields:

  • /software/components/sudo/general_options : optional

    It is a list of structure_sudo_defaults elements. It sets default behaviour either for users or hosts, or for the whole sudo application. This structure will be explained later.

  • "/software/components/sudo/<user|run_as|host|cmd>_aliases : optional

    Named lists of lists of strings containing the alias information. The name of each named list must start with a letter, and contain only letters, numbers and underscores. All the letters must be capitals. I.E: the name must match ^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$

    They can be preceeded by an '!', indicating the alias must not match that name. The contents may be preceeded by an !, indicating that item must not be part of the alias.

    The contents of host aliases can be either host names, IP addresses or network specifications (IP/netmask).

    A valid example:

        "/software/components/sudo/user_aliases" = nlist ("FOO",
                list ("bar", "%wheel", "!root"));
  • /software/components/sudo/privilege_lines : mandatory

    A list of structures of the type structure_privilege_line, each one specifying a way for a normal user to upgrade its privileges.


The structure_sudo_default defines the possible default behaviour an user may find when running sudo. This settings are applied globally, just to a host, just to an user, or just to a supplanted user.

  • /software/components/sudo/general_options/[n]/user : optional

    The user the following settings apply to.

  • /software/components/sudo/general_options/[n]/host : optional

    The host the following settings apply to.

  • /software/components/sudo/general_options/[n]/run_as : optional

    The supplanted user the following settings apply to.

  • /software/components/sudo/general_options/[n]/options : optional

    The named list of options that can be specified. Currently, only atomic options are supported. Boolean, integer and string values are handled correctly.

For a given setting, at most one of user, host or run_as must be set. It is a compile error to set two or more of these.

For instance, this is valid:

    "/software/components/sudo/sudo/general_options" =
            list (
                  nlist ("user", "foo",
                         "options", nlist ("insults", true, "mailerpath", "/sbin/sendmail")

But this is not:

    "/software/components/sudo/sudo/general_options" =
            list (
                  nlist ("user", "foo",
                         "host", "localhost" ### Error: only one of user and host!
                         "options", nlist ("insults", true)

The list of options

The structure structure_sudo_default_options lists the possible settings and their expected type. See sudoers(5) for a full list and description.


Each privilege line in a sudoers has the following format:

    user    host = (run_as_user) OPTIONS: command

And, as such, the type structure privilege_line has the following fields:

  • /software/components/sudo/privilege_lines/[n]/user : mandatory

    The user allowed to run sudo the command. Can be an user, an user_alias, or a group (with a leading %).

  • /software/components/sudo/privilege_lines/[n]/run_as : mandatory

    The user to be supplanted. Can be an user, a run_as_alias or a group (with a leading %).

  • /software/components/sudo/privilege_lines/[n]/host : mandatory

    The host from where the user can invoke sudo. Can be a host or a host_alias.

  • /software/components/sudo/privilege_lines/[n]/options : optional

    If present, it must be either PASSWD or NOPASSWD.

  • /software/components/sudo/privilege_lines/[n]/cmd : mandatory

    The command to be executed.

Remember that the built-in alias ALL is valid for users, run_as users, hosts and commands.


The sudoers file allows to include other configuration files, to keep the configurations simpler. The includes field allows to specify a list of files that should be included.


Try the following settings:

    "/software/components/sudo/general_options" =
            nlist ("options", nlist ("insults", true));
    "/software/components/sudo/user_aliases" =
            nlist ("FOO", list (""));
    "/software/components/sudo/privilege_lines" =
            list (nlist ("user", "foo",
                         "run_as", "ALL",
                         "host", "ALL",
                         "cmd", "ALL"));

and see the resulting /etc/sudoers .


sudoers(5), visudo(8)




This component cannot perform such as exhaustive analysis as visudo does. Be careful with what you specify on your profiles or you will break sudo!!


The type type_host_sudo needs to be polished