CAF::Path - check that things are really the way we expect them to be


Simplify common file and directory related operations e.g.

  • directory creation
  • cleanup
  • (mockable) file/directory tests

The class is based on LC::Check with following major difference

  • CAF::Object::NoAction support builtin (and keeps_state option to override it).
  • support CAF::Reporter (incl. CAF::History)
  • raised exceptions are catched, methods return SUCCESS on succes, undef on failure and store the error message in the fail attribute.
  • available as class-methods
  • return values
    • undef: failure occured
    • SUCCESS: nothing changed (boolean true)
    • CHANGED: something changed (boolean true).


  • _get_noaction

    Return NoAction setting:

    • Return 0 is keeps_state is true

      Any other value of keeps_state is ignored. (In particular, you cannot use keeps_state to enable NoAction).

    • Return value of CAF::Object::NoAction otherwise.

    Supports an optional msg that is prefixed to reporter.

  • _reset_exception_fail

    Reset previous exceptions and/or fail attribute.

  • _function_catch

    Execute function reference funcref with arrayref $args and hashref $opts.

    Method resets/ignores any existing errors and fail attribute, and catches any exception thrown. No error is reported, it returns undef in this case and the fail attribute is set.

  • _safe_eval

    Run function reference funcref with arrayref argsref and hashref optsref.

    Return and set fail attribute with failmsg on die, verbose msg on success (resp. $@ and stringified result are appended).

    Resets previous exceptions and/or fail attribute

  • LC_Check

    Execute function <LC::Check::<function>> with arrayref $args and hashref $opts.

    CAF::Object::NoAction is added to the options, unless keeps_state is set.

    The function is executed with _function_catch.

  • directory_exists

    Test if directory exists and is a directory.

    This is basically the perl builtin -d, wrapped in a method to allow unittesting.

    A broken symlink is not a directory. (As -d follows a symlink, a broken symlink either exists with -l or not.)

  • file_exists

    Test if filename exists ans is a directory.

    This is basically the perl builtin -f, wrapped in a method to allow unittesting.

    A broken symlink is not a file. (As -f follows a symlink, a broken symlink either exists with -l or not.)

  • any_exists

    Test if path exists.

    This is basically the perl builtin -e || -l, wrapped in a method to allow unittesting.

    A broken symlink exists. As -e follows a symlink, a broken symlink either exists with -l or not.

  • cleanup

    cleanup removes dest with backup support.

    (Works like LC::Check::_unlink, but has directory support and no error throwing).

    Returns CHANGED is something was cleaned-up, SUCCESS if nothing was done and undef on failure (and sets the fail attribute).

    The <backup> is a suffix for dest.

    If backup is undefined, use backup attribute. (Pass an empty string to disable backup with backup attribute defined) Any previous backup is cleanuped (without backup). (Aside from the backup attribute, this is the same as LC::Check::_unlink (and thus also CAF::File*)).

  • directory

    Make sure a directory exists with proper options.

    If the directory does not exists (or the temp option is set), it is created (including the parent directories as needed), and uses LC::Check::directory via LC_Check.

    Returns CHANGED if a change was made, SUCCESS if no changes were made and undef in case of failure (and the fail attribute is set).

    The return value in absence of failure is a dualvar with integer value SUCCESS/CHANGED, and the directory as string value (in particular relevant for temporary directories).

    Additional options

    • owner/group/mode/mtime : options for CAF::Path::status
    • temp

      A boolean if true will create a a temporary directory using File::Temp::tempdir.

      The directory name is the template to use (any trailing X characters will be replaced with random characters by tempdir; and the directory name will be padded up to at least 4 X).

      The CLEANUP option is also set (an removal attempt (incl. any files and/or subdirectries) will be made at the end of the program).

  • status

    Set the path stat options: owner, group, mode and/or mtime.

    This is a wrapper around LC::Check::status and executed with LC_Check.

    Returns CHANGED if a change was made, SUCCESS if no changes were made and undef in case of failure (and the fail attribute is set).