ncm-filecopy: NCM component to manage simple configuration files and services.


The filecopy component manages services which have configuration files that can be representated as strings in pan or built by copying a template already present on the machine (eg. provided by a RPM). A "restart" command can be given which will be run whenever the configuration changes.

Note: that this does not do any validation checking on the content of the service configuration. If this is desired, a service-specific component should be written.

Note2: "restart" commands are executed after all the files have been updated. There is intentionally no guarantee on the order of execution if different commands must be executed: this is not necessarily the same as for checking the files. If two files specify the same restart command, it will be executed only once. If one of these restrictions is not convenient in your context, a service-specific component should be written.


/software/components/filecopy/forceRestart: boolean (required)

A boolean that defines if the restart command (if any defined) of the file(s) must be executed even though the files were up-to-date (default behaviour is to execute the restart command only if file content, permissions or owner/group has been changed).

Default: false

/software/components/filecopy/services: nlist (optional)

This nlist contains one entry by file to manage. The key is the escaped file name. For each file, the property described below may be specified. Most properties are optional (or have a default value) but either 'config' or 'source' MUST be specified and they are mutually exclusive.

config: string (optional but 'config' OR 'source' required)

The file content specified as a string.

Default: none

source: string (optional but 'config' OR 'source' required)

The name of a source file already present on the machine to use as the content for the managed file.

Default: none

owner: string (optional)

The userid of the file owner. It can also be a 'user:group' specification (like with chown).

Default: none

group: string (optional)

The group of the file owner. It is ignored is owner is specified as 'user:group'.

Default: none

perms: string (optional)

Permissions of the managed file. If not specified, the default permissions on the system will be used.

Default: none

restart: string (optional)

A command to execute if the file is modified. It is typically used to restart a service but any valid command can be specified, including several commands separated by ';'. If not specified, the file is updated but no command is executed. As mentionned earlier, restart commands are executed after all files have been updated and if several files specify the same restart command, it is executed once.

Default: none

backup: boolean (required)

This property specifies if an existing version of the file must be backuped before being updated (backup extension is '.old').

Default: true

no_utf8: boolean (optional)

By default, the file content is converted to UTF8. Define this property to 'true' to prevent this conversion.

Default: none

forceRestart: boolean (required)

A boolean that defines if the restart command (if any defined) must be executed even though the file was up-to-date (default behaviour is to execute the restart command only if file content, permissions or owner/group has been changed).

Note: the global flag 'forceRestart' takes precedence if set to 'true'.

Default: false


scenario 1 : Create a file
prefix '/software/components/filecopy/services/{/tmp/test}';
'config'='Contents of the file';
scenario 2 : Create a script and execute it
prefix '/software/components/filecopy/services/{/tmp/}';
'config' = '#!/bin/bash\n echo Hello World';
'restart' = '/tmp/';
scenario 3 : Copy a file (/tmp/source)
prefix '/software/components/filecopy/services/{/tmp/second-file}';