The gmetad component manages Ganglia's gmetad daemon. This daemon collects performance information from various nodes and stores it in a RRD database.


The configuration of gmetad is stored in the file /etc/gmetad.conf.

The schema for this component are very similar to the options in the configuration file. More detailed information about the options can be found on the website (SEE ALSO).

  • /software/components/gmetad/data_source/[srcindex]/name : string

    Name of the data source.

  • /software/components/gmetad/data_source/[srcindex]/polling_interval : long(1..)

    Optional polling interval for the data source, in seconds.

  • /software/components/gmetad/data_source/[srcindex]/host/[hostindex]/address : type_hostname

    Host name or IP address per machine serving the data source.

  • /software/components/gmetad/data_source/[srcindex]/host/[hostindex]/port : type_port

    Optional port for per machine serving the data source.

  • /software/components/gmetad/debug_level : long(0..)

    Optional level of debug output for the daemon.

  • /software/components/gmetad/scalability : string

    Optional flag to enable or disable scalability mode. Valid values are on and off.

  • /software/components/gmetad/file : string

    Mandatory field specifying the location of the the configuration file. For Ganglia 3.0, this should be /etc/gmetad.conf and for Ganglia 3.1, it should be /etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf.

  • /software/components/gmetad/gridname : string

    Optional name of the grid.

  • /software/components/gmetad/authority : type_absoluteURI

    Optional authority URL for this grid.

  • /software/components/gmetad/trusted_hosts : type_hostname[]

    Optional list of trusted hosts.

  • /software/components/gmetad/all_trusted : string

    Optional field to enable trust of all hosts. Valid values are on and off.

  • /software/components/gmetad/setuid : string

    Optional flag to control setuid mode of the daemon. Valid values are on and off.

  • /software/components/gmetad/setuid_username : string

    Optional name of the user account running the daemon.

  • /software/components/gmetad/xml_port : type_port

    Optional port gmetad will answer requests for XML.

  • /software/components/gmetad/interactive_port : type_port

    Optional port gmetad will answer queries for XML.

  • /software/components/gmetad/server_threads : long(1..)

    Optional number of threads answering XML requests.

  • /software/components/gmetad/rrd_rootdir : string

    Optional directory where gmetad stores its RRD databases.