The ccm component manages the configuration file for CCM.


The ccm component manages the configuration file for the CCM daemon. This is usually the /etc/ccm.conf file. See the ccm-fetch manpage for more details.


  • configFile : string

    The location of the configuration file. Normally this should not be changed. Defaults to /etc/ccm.conf.

  • profile : type_hostURI

    The URL for the machine's profile. You can use either the http or https protocols (the file protocol is also possible eg. for tests). (see ccm-fetch manpage)

  • profile_failover ? type_hostURI

    profile failover URL in case the above is not working (see ccm-fetch manpage)

  • context ? type_hostURI

    Unsupported. May be removed in a future release.

  • debug : long(0..1)

    Turn on debugging. Takes either 0 or 1. Defaults to 0.

  • force : long(0..1)

    Force fetching of the machine profile. Turning this on ignores the modification times. Takes either 0 or 1. Defaults to 0.

  • preprocessor ? string

    Preprocessor executable which combines the profile and context. Currently not used.

  • cache_root : string

    The root directory of the CCM cache. Defaults to /var/lib/ccm.

  • get_timeout : long(0..)

    The timeout for the download operation in seconds. Defaults to 30.

  • lock_retries : long(0..)

    Number of times to try to get the lock on the cache. Defaults to 3.

  • lock_wait : long(0..)

    Number of seconds to wait between attempts to acquire the lock. Defaults to 30.

  • retrieve_retries : long(0..)

    Number of times to try to get the context from the server. Defaults to 3.

  • retrieve_wait : long(0..)

    Number of seconds to wait between attempts to get the context from the server. Defaults to 30.

  • cert_file ? string

    The certificate file to use for an https protocol.

  • key_file ? string

    The key file to use for an https protocol.

  • ca_file ? string

    The CA file to use for an https protocol.

  • ca_dir ? string

    The directory containing accepted CA certificates when using the https protocol.

  • world_readable : long(0..1)

    Whether the profiles should be world-readable. This takes either a 0 or 1. Defaults to 0.

  • base_url ? type_absoluteURI

    If profile is not a URL, a profile url will be calculated from base_url and the local hostname.

  • dbformat ? string

    Format of the local database, must be DB_File, CDB_File or GDBM_File. If not specified, the component will default to GDBM_File.