CAF::Reporter - Class for console & log message reporting in CAF applications


package myclass;
use CAF::Log;
use parent qw(CAF::Reporter);

my $logger = CAF::Log->new('/path/to/logfile', 'at');

sub new {
    $self->setup_reporter(2, 0, 1);

sub foo {
    my ($self, $a, $b, $c) = @_;
    $self->report("foo is doing well");
    $self->verbose("foo called with params $a $b $c");
    $self->debug(3, "foo is performing operation xyz");


CAF::Reporter provides class methods for message (information, warnings, error) reporting to standard output and a log file. There is only one instance of CAF::Reporter in an application. (All CAF::Reporter instances share the same configuration). Classes wanting to use CAF::Reporter have to inherit from it (using parent qw(CAF::Reporter) or via @ISA).

Usage of a log file is optional. A log file can be attached/detached with the set_logfile method.

Public methods

  • init_reporter

    Setup default/initial values for reporter. Returns success.

  • setup_reporter ($debuglvl, $quiet, $verbose, $facility): boolean

    Reporter setup:

    • $debuglvl sets the (highest) debug level, for messages reported with the 'debug' method. The following recommendations apply: 0: no debug information 1: main package 2: main libraries/functions 3: helper libraries 4: core functions (constructors, destructors)
    • $quiet: if set to a true value (eg. 1), stops any output to console.
    • $verbose: if set to a true value (eg. 1), produce verbose output (with the verbose method). Implied by debug >= 1.
    • $facility: syslog facility the messages will be sent to

    If any of these arguments is undef, current application settings will be preserved.

  • set_report_logfile($logfile): bool

    If $logfile is defined, it will be used as log file. $logfile can be any type of class object reference, but the object must support a print(@array) method. Typically, it should be an CAF::Log instance. If $logfile is undefined, no log file will be used.

  • report(@array): boolean

    Report general information about the program progression to stdout (via print) and log method. The output to the console is supressed if quiet is set. The strings in @array are concatenated, newline is added and sent as a single line to the output. Then log method is called with @array (irrespective of quiet).

    The report method does not log to syslog.

  • info(@array): boolean

    Logs using syslog method with info priority and reports @array using the report method, but with a [INFO] prefix.

  • OK(@array): boolean

    Logs using syslog method with notice priority and reports @array using the report method, but with a [OK] prefix.

  • warn(@array): boolean

    Logs using syslog method with warning priority and reports @array using the report method, but with a [WARN] prefix.

  • error(@array): boolean

    Logs using syslog method with err priority and reports @array using the report method, but with a [ERROR] prefix.

  • verbose(@array): boolean

    If verbose is enabled (via setup_reporter), the verbose method logs using syslog method with notice priority and reports @array using the report method, but with a [VERB] prefix.

  • debug($debuglvl, @array): boolean

    If $debuglvl is higher or equal than then one set via setup_reporter, the debug method logs to syslog with debug priority and reports @array using the report method, but with a [DEBUG] prefix.

    If the $debuglvl is not an integer in interval [0-9], an error is thrown and undef returned (and nothing logged).

  • log(@array): boolean

    Writes @array as a concatenated string with added newline to the log file, if one is setup (via set_report_logfile).

  • syslog($priority, @array)

    Writes @array as concatenated string to syslog, with the given priority.

    Nothing will happen is no 'SYSLOG' attribute of logfile is set. This attribute is prepended to every message.

    (Return value is always undef.)