

ncm-ncd - Node Configuration Dispatcher

Part of the NCM (Node Configuration Management) subsystem

quattor toolsuite


ncm-ncd --configure   [options] [<component1> [<component2>] ...]
ncm-ncd --unconfigure [options] component

(See ncm-ncd --help for full list of options with default values.)


The ncm-ncd is the front end for invoking NCM configuration components. The ncm-ncd is called with a list of components to be invoked as an argument. Based on this list, the ncd looks up the inter-component dependencies, orders the components, and invokes each component sequentially.

If no component is specified, the ncd will invoke all components which are marked as active in the node configuration profile. These are considered to be the ‘default’ components to run.

The ncd can be executed manually, via cron, or via the cdispd.

If a dependency is not fulfilled, the ncd exits with an appropriate error message and return status.

In case of deinstallation of a component using --unconfigure, the ncd is to be called with the component’s name as a parameter.


  • –list

Does nothing but list all found components, in the following format:

name - active? - installed?

  • –configure
Run the Configure method for <component1 component2 …> (default option). For running configure on all components, use –configure –all.
  • –all
See above. Run –configure –all to run configure on all components.
  • –skip <component>
Skip one component (only to be used with –all)
  • –unconfigure
Run the Unconfigure method for <component>. Only one component can be unconfigured at a time.
  • –logdir <dir>
Directory where to place ncm-ncd and component log files
  • –log_group_readable <groupname>

Group readable logdir (value is the groupname). If set with valid groupname, the configured logdirectory will have its permissions set to 750 and the the groupname as group (still owned by root).

Following standard UNIX ACL semantics, the log_group_readable configuration option is not very useful if log_world_readable is also true.

  • –log_world_readable <0|1>

World readable logdir flag (1/0). If true, the configured logdirectory will have its permissions set to 755. If false (the default) the permissions will be 700.

These permissions will be set each time ncm-ncd is run.

Following standard UNIX ACL semantics, the log_group_readable configuration option is not very useful if log_world_readable is also true.

The use of log_world_readable is not recommended if profiles contain sensitive or private information.

  • –logpid
Add process ID to the log messages (disabled by default).
  • –verbose_logfile <0|1>
Report with verbose loglevel to the logfile (default enabled)
  • –retries <n>
Try ‘n’ times if locked (another ncm-ncd instance is running).
  • –state <dir>
Directory in which to find state files. On conclusion of any component configuration, if the configuration was successful then the component file will be deleted from this state directory. If a component produces errors, then the component file will contain the number of errors. In other words, if a configuration is clean then there will be no files within the state directory. If there are any problems with the configuration, then there will be a file for the failing components. An empty file indicates that the component has not completed its configuration. If this option is not defined, then no state files will be maintained.
  • –timeout <n>
Wait a maximum of ‘n’ seconds between retries.
  • –useprofile <profile_id>
Use <profile_id> as NVA-API configuration profile ID (default: latest)
  • –cache_root <directory>
CCM cache root directory (optional, otherwise CCM default taken)
  • –multilog
Use separate (per component) log files in log directory
  • –pre-hook

Hook to be executed before any component is run. It receives a JSON object with the list of components that will be executed.

To see the exact form of the input run

ncm-ncd --configure <some-comp> --pre-hook `/bin/cat`
  • –post-hook
Hook to be executed after all components have run. It receives a JSON object via stdin with the components that succeeded, failed or had warnings.
  • –pre-hook-timeout, –post-hook-timeout

Timeouts, in seconds, for the --pre-hook and --post-hook

A value of 0 means no time out. By default they time out after 5 minutes.

  • –chroot
Chroot to the directory given as an argument. If it’s not possible to chroot, ncm-ncd will die.
  • –check-noquattor

Check if CCM updates are disabled globally via the /etc/noquattor file. And do not run if CCM updates are globally disabled. (If –check-noquattor is not set, ncm-ncd will ignore /etc/noquattor).

It is enabled by default, use --no-check-noquattor to disable it (or set check-noquattor = 0 in the configfile).

  • –history
Enable history/event tracking. (Enabled by default).
  • –force-quattor
Run even if CCM updates are globally disabled (and –check-noquattor is set).

Advanced Options

Following options are advanced options (typically used for debugging and/or testing). Use with care.

  • –ignorelock
Ignore existing application lock. Use with care.
  • –forcelock
Take over application lock. Use with care.
  • –nodeps

ignore broken dependencies when invoking configure. Use with care.

missing pre/post dependencies are ignored during resolution; and during the ordered execution of all components, failing predependencies are not considered broken and allow the execution of the component.

  • –ignore-errors-from-dependencies

errors from dependencies are downgraded to warnings, to make the overall ncm-ncd run pass if a dependency fails. This option implies ‘–nodeps’ and ‘–autodeps’. Use with care.

A “dependency” is any component that is not requested/specified via command line (and added to list of components to process via ‘–autodeps’, if any).

(If you do not care about dependencies and just want to avoid errors, you can also try to use ‘–nodeps –no-autodeps’).

  • –autodeps
Expand missing pre/post dependencies in configure (default to true). (Disable with –no-autodeps. Use –no-autodeps with care.)
  • –allowbrokencomps
Do not stop overall execution if ‘broken’ components are found, just ignore these (‘broken’ components: component file missing or not instantiable). Use with care.
  • –history-instances
Enable history/event instances tracking. Use with care.

Other Options

  • –help
Displays a help message with all options and default settings.
  • –version
Displays application version information.
  • –verbose
Print verbose details on operations.
  • –debug <1..5>
Set the debugging level to <1..5>.
  • –facility <f>
Set the syslog facility to <f> (Eg. local1).
  • –quiet
Suppress application output to standard output.
  • –noaction
Do not actually perform operations.
  • –include <directories>
A colon-seperated list of directories to include in search path for ncm-components


A configuration file can keep site-wide configuration settings. The location of the configuration file is defined in the --cfgfile option. A default configuration file is found in /etc/ncm-ncd.conf.


If a signal is received, the ncm-ncd will try to finish its execution gracefully and will report an error (return status: -1), except if it was called with the --noaction flag.