

ncm-puppet: Component for running puppet standalone within quattor


  • /software/components/puppet/puppetconf
Defines the configuration for quattor. Each item is a section of the /etc/puppet/puppet.conf file. The section [main] is mandatory. Other sections may be added.
  • /software/components/puppet/puppetconf/main

Each item is a parameter in the [main] section of the puppet.conf file. The mandatory parameters are:

  • logdir :
Puppet log dir. Defaults to /var/log/puppet.
  • rundir : string
Puppet run dir. Defaults to /var/log/puppet.
  • /software/components/puppet/hieraconf

Defines the configuration for hiera. Each item is a key definition in the /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml file. The default is:

- yaml
- quattor
      :datadir: `/etc/puppet/hieradata`
  • /software/components/puppet/nodefiles

Named list of node specific manifests. The component will run puppet --apply `/etc/puppet/manifests`/<file> for each item <file> of the nlist. The parameters of each item are:

  • contents : string

content of the file:

The default for “nodefiles” is one file quattor_default.pp with content "hiera_include('classes')".

  • /software/components/puppet/hieradata
Data to be passed to the hiera config. The data will be written in /etc/puppet/hieradata/quattor.yaml. Note: the nlist keys will be unescaped by the component.
  • /software/components/puppet/modules

Named list of modules to be downloaded from the puppetlab forge. Each module has the following parameters:

  • version ? string
version of the module.