

The filesystems component manages the filesystems on a node. It is able to create and remove blockdevices without restarting or re-installing.

These filesystems will be later mounted/unmounted, and added/removed from /etc/fstab, using ncm-fstab.

The component doesn’t provide any special resources at the moment. It just watches for changes on /system/filesystems and /system/blockdevices and creates new filesystems, if needed. You can also use ncm-filesystems to replace ncm-fstab : If manage_blockdevs is set to false, only the ncm-fstab code will run.

A blockdevice is useful only for its ability to hold a filesystem. Blockdevices with no filesystems associated will not be created. If you want any such device, create a filesystem with "type"="none" and "mount"=false.

Note: It will also remove filesystems and blockdevices that are not listed on the profile (or have been removed).


We will define a software RAID 1 composed of three disks, one volume group named Springfield on it, and two logical volumes (Simpsons and Flanders) on it. They will be mounted on /Evergreen_Terrace/742 and /Evergreen_Terrace/740, respectively.

This is how the block devices definition looks like:

"/system/blockdevices" = nlist (
      "physical_devs", nlist (
              "hda", nlist ("label", "none"),
              "hdb", nlist ("label", "none"),
              "hdc", nlist ("label", "none")
      # No partitions here
      "md", nlist (
              "md0", nlist (
                      "device_list", list (
                      "raid_level", "RAID1",
                      "stripe_size", 64
      "volume_groups", nlist (
              "Springfield", nlist (
                      "device_list", list ("md/md0")
      "logical_volumes", nlist (
              "Simpsons", nlist (
                      "size", 5*GB,
                      "volume_group", "Springfield"
              "Flanders", nlist (
                      "size", 4*GB,
                      "volume_group", "Springfield"

And then, we can define the filesystems:

"/system/filesystems" = list (
      nlist (
              "mountpoint", "/EverGreenTerrace/740",
              "block_device", "logical_volumes/Flanders",
              "mount", true,
              "mountopts", "defaults",
              "type", "ext2", # God saves from crashes, you know
              "freq", 0,
              "pass", 0,
              "format", false,
              "preserve", true
      nlist (
              "mountpoint", "/EverGreenTerrace/742",
              "block_device", "logical_volumes/Simpsons",
              "mount", true,
              "mountopts", "defaults",
              "type", "xfs", # Lisa's on charge!
              "freq", 0,
              "pass", 0,
              "format", false,
              "preserve", true