

ncm-dpmlfc : NCM component to manage DPM and LFC configuration.


This component allows to manage configuration of DPM and LFC services, with the exception of DPM xrootd protocol which is managed by the ncm-xrootd configuration module.

Configuration module ncm-dpmlfc requires that the DPM and/or LFC configuration describes all nodes participating to the service and their respective role (in term of daemon running on each node). Each daemon/host combination is called a daemon instance in this documentation.

Using the whole DPM and/or LFC description, ncm-dpmlfc takes care of action needed on every node to configure it as requested (you MUST use the same configuration description on every node participating to DPM and/or LFC). This includes restarting a service after configuration changes if needed.

There are 2 sets of configuration options:

  • Global options
There is one separate set for DPM and LFC, /software/components/dpmlfc/options/dpm and /software/components/dpmlfc/options/lfc respectively. In each set, there is a subset, db, describing the database and database connection options.
  • Protocol options
For each access or management protocol, there is one set of global options under /software/components/dpmlfc/protocols. Each option defined in these sets can be superseded in the node-specific options for the given protocol.

Following sections describe each option by group of related options.


DPM and LFC accept the same global options but there is a separate set for each one. Replace PRODUCT by dpm or lfc.

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/accessProtocols : list (optional, DPM only)

List of access protocols supported on disk servers. Supported protocols are : https, gsiftp, rfio, xroot. Note that xrootd configuration itself, including the DPM/Xrootd plug-in, must be configured with ncm-xrootd.

Default: None (default configuration provided by RPM will be used)

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/controlProtocols : list (optional, DPM only)

List of control protocols supported. Supported protocols are : srmv1, srmv2, srmv2.2.

Default: None (default configuration provided by RPM will be used)

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/gridmapfile

This option defines the local gridmap file used by products daemons.

Default: None (default configuration provided by RPM will be used)

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/gridmapdir

This option defines the gridmap dir used by products daemons.

Default: None (default configuration provided by RPM will be used)

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/group

This option defines the userid used by product daemons.

Default: None (default configuration provided by RPM will be used)

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/user

This option defines the userid used by product daemons.

Default: dpmmgr for DPM, lfcmgr for LFC


DPM and LFC accepts the same set of options to describe the database connection. In the following option names, replace PRODUCT by either dpm or lfc. Both sets can coexist.

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/db/configfile

This option defines the file used to keep track of database connection information. This file will be owned by the userid used to run daemons and only this user will have access to this file.

Default : /etc/DPMCONFIG for DPM, /etc/NSCONFIG for LFC

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/db/infoFile (string, optional)

Name (without path) of the file containing connection information to DPM DB to be used by GIP to collect information about DPM. This file will be owned and accessible only by GIP user.

This file will not be created if infoUser is not defined.

Default : DPMINFO for DPM, LFCINFO for LFC.

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/db/infoPwd (string, optional)

Password for database connection account used by GIP to collect information about DPM

Default : generated password. It is recommended to use this default value (password changed at each run).

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/db/infoUser (string, optional)

Username for database connection account used by GIP to collect information about DPM. If this option is not defined, the infoFile is not updated by ncm-dpmlfc.

Default : None

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/db/password (string, required)

This option defines the password used to connect to the database.

Default : none

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/db/server (string, optional)

This option defines the server running the database. This component checks that DPM and LFC database server run on different node (DPNS and LFC use the same database name). localhost is considered different as DPNS and LFC are not allowed to run on the same node.

Default : localhost.

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/options/PRODUCT/db/user

This option defines the userid used to connect to the database.

Default : userid used to run daemons


Each access or management protocol has its specific set of global options under /software/components/dpmlfc/protocols (e.g. dpm, dpns, srmv22, dav…). Each of these options can be redefined in the node-specific options for the corresponding protocol. Node specific options are specified as a nlist attached to the node name. This allows configuration options to be different for each host running an instance of the service but it is generally not sensible to use a different value for each host.

See the schema, for the complete list of supported options for each protocols. Main options are described here.

WebDav options

All WebDav options are optional and thus have no default value. To see the value used when the option is undefined, look at /etc/httpd/conf.d/zlcgdm-dav.conf

  • DiskAnonUser : string (optional)
User to use for anonymous access on file contents. Typically, must match NSAnonUser.
  • DiskFlags : list of string (optional)
Flags controlling access to file contents. Possible values are : Write, RemoteCopy, NoAuthn.
  • NSAnonUser : string (optional)
User to use for anonymous access to namespace. Typically, must match DiskAnonUser.
  • NSFlags : list of string (optional)
Flags controlling namespace access. Possible values are : Write, RemoteCopy, NoAuthn.
  • NSMaxReplicas : long (optional, LFC only)
Maximum number of replica to return.
  • NSRedirectPort : list of long (optional, 2 list elements required)
Ports to use when redirecting to disk servers. First element is the port to use for http access, second element is the port for https access.
  • NSSecureRedirect : string (optional)
Enable/disable secure redirect (https) to disk servers. Value must be on or off.
  • NSServer : list of string (optional, 2 list elements required)
Name (first element) and port (second element) of the host serving the namespace, both specified as string. This is mainly useful to allow access to the namespace from localhost on any DPM nodes, if direct access to namespace has been configured on disk servers (via TrustedDNs).
  • NSTrustedDNs : list of string (optional)
DNs of DPM nodes allowed a direct access to the namespace.
  • NSType : string (optional)
Indicates whether the namespace is attached to DPM or LFC. Valid values are DPM and LFC.
  • SSLCertFile : string
Certificate (public key) file name to use for https.
  • SSLCertKey : string (optional)
Private key file name to use for https.
  • SSLCACertPath : string (optional)
Directory path containing the CA certificates
  • SSLCARevocationPath : string (optional)
Directory path containing the CA revocation lists.
  • SSLCipherSuite : list of string (optional)
List of enabled ciphers in SSL configuration.
  • SSLHonorCipherOrder : string (optional)
Order of ciphers.
  • SSLOptions : list of string (optional)
SSL options to use (namespace and file access).
  • SSLProtocol : list of string (optional)
List of enabled/disabled of SSL protocols.
  • SSLSessionCache : string (optional)
SSLSessionCache parameter (see Apache documentation)
  • SSLSessionCacheTimeout : long (optional)
SSLSessionCacheTiemout parameter (see Apache documentation)
  • SSLVerifyClient : string (optional)
Level of client certificate verifications (see Apache documentation). Valid values are require, optional and none.
  • SSLVerifyDepth : long (optional)
Verification depth of certificate chain (see Apache documentation).

xrootd options

xrootd options are ignored. Use ncm-xrootd instead.

Options for other (legacy) protocols

Legacy (non dmlite-based) protocols share several options. Some protocolas also have specific options: in this case, the option description states it explicitly.

  • allowCoreDump: boolean (optional)

allowCoreDump allows to explicitly enable/disable creation of a core dump in the event of a daemon crash.

Default: use daemon default (see documentation)

  • logfile: string (optional)

logfile option is the name of the logfile used by the daemon instance. Generally, each daemon has a dedicated directory under /var/log, where the actual log file is rotated. This option is accepted by every type of daemon.

Default : use daemon default (see documentation).

  • port: long (optional)

port allows to specify a non standard port for the daemon.

Default : default service port (see documentation or ‘man service_name’).

  • threads : long (optional)

Number of threads to use.

Default : default service port (see documentation or ‘man service_name’).

  • maxOpenFiles : long (optional)

Maximum number of open files (used as input to ulimit).

Default : default service port (see documentation or ‘man service_name’).

  • requestMaxAge: string (optional, dpm daemon only)

requestMaxAge allows to configure automatic purging of DPM request database, based on request age. It defines the maximum lifetime allowed for a request before it is removed from the request database. This must be a number optionally followed by y (year), m (month), d (day), h (hour). If no unit is specified, the number is interpreted as seconds.

Default: by default automatic purging is disabled

  • fastThreads : long (optional, dpm daemon only)

Number of threads to use for short operations

Default : default service configuration (see documentation or ‘man service_name’).

  • slowThreads : long (optional, dpm daemon only)

Number of threads to use for long operations

Default : default service configuration (see documentation or ‘man service_name’).

  • useSyncGet : boolean (optional, dpm daemon only)

Use synchronous get operation when querying the namespace.

Default : default service configuration (see documentation or ‘man service_name’).

  • readonly : boolean (optional, dpns and lfc only)

Configure a readonly DPNS

Default : default service configuration (see documentation or ‘man service_name’).

  • portRange : string (optional, rfio or gsiftp)

TCP port range to use for transfers.

Default : default service configuration (see documentation or ‘man service_name’).

  • startupOptions : string (optional, rfio or gsiftp)

Daemon options to use at startup.

Default : default service configuration (see documentation or ‘man service_name’).

  • disableAutoVirtualIDs : boolean (optional, lfc only)

Disable automatic creation of virtual IDs.

Default : default service configuration (see documentation or ‘man service_name’).

VO OPTIONS (DPM and LFC) : /software/components/dpmlfc/vos

VO-related options described each VO that must be configured to get access to DPM or LFC namespace. This includes creating VO home directory and setting correct permissions.

VO-related options are stored under /software/components/dpmlfc/vos, which is a nlist with one entry per VO. nlist key is the VO name. Value is a nlist describing VO properties.

  • /software/components/dpmlfc/vos/VONAME/gid

This property specifies virtual GID to associate with the VO. Default is normally appropriate

Default : auto-generated virtual GID.


  • /software/components/dpmlfc/pool
Not implemented yet.




None known.


Michel Jouvin <>


Michel Jouvin <>

