

Test::Quattor::TextRender::Metaconfig - Class for unittesting the ncm-metaconfig services and their templates.


This class should be used to unittest ncm-metaconfig services and their templates.

To be used as

my $u = Test::Quattor::TextRender::Metaconfig->new(
    service => 'logstash',
    version => '1.2',

The tests require access to the template-library-core repository for using standard types in the schema files.

By default, the template-library-core is expected to be in the same directory as the one this test is being ran from. One can also specify the location via the QUATTOR_TEST_TEMPLATE_LIBRARY_CORE environment variable.

Public methods

  • new

Returns a new object, basepath is the default location for metaconfig-unittests (src/main/metaconfig).

Accepts the following options

  • service
The name of the service (the service is a subdirectory of the basepath).
  • version
If a specific version is to be tested (undef assumes no version).
  • usett
Force (or disable) the TT gather and verification test. E.g. disable when a builtin TextRender module is used. (By default, usett is true).