

CCM::TextRender - Class for rendering structured text using Element instances


This class is an extension of the CAF::TextRender class; with the main difference the support of a EDG::WP4::CCM::CacheManager::Element instance as contents.

Private methods

  • _initialize

Initialize the process object. Arguments:

  • module

The rendering module to use (see CAF::TextRender for details).

CCM provides following additional builtin modules:

  • general

using TT to render a Config::General compatible file. (This is an alias for the CCM/general TT module).

Contents is a hashref (does not require a Element instance), with key/value pairs generated according to the basetype of the value as follows:

  • scalar

converted in a single line

<key> <value>
  • arrayref of scalars

converted in multiple lines as follows

<key> <scalar element0>
<key> <scalar element1>
  • hashref

generates a block with format

    <recursive rendering of the value>
  • arrayref of hashref

generates series of blocks

    <recursive rendering of the element0>
    <recursive rendering of the element1>

(Whitespace in the block name is enforced with double quotes.)

  • contents
contents is either a hash reference holding the contents to pass to the rendering module; or a EDG::WP4::CCM::CacheManager::Element instance, on which getTree is called with any element options.

All optional arguments from CAF::TextRender are supported unmodified:

  • log
  • includepath
  • relpath
  • eol
  • usecache
  • ttoptions

Extra optional arguments:

  • element

A hashref holding any getTree options to pass. These can be the anonymous convert methods convert_boolean, convert_string, convert_long and convert_double; or one of the predefined convert methods (key is the name, value a boolean wheter or not to use them).

The convert_ methods are added as last methods.

The predefined convert methods are:

  • cast
Convert the scalar values to a more exact internal representation. The internal representaiton is important when passed on to other non-pure perl code, in particular the XS modules like JSON::XS and YAML::XS.
  • json
Enable JSON output, in particular JSON boolean (cast is implied, so the other types should already be in proper format). This is automatically enabled when the json module is used (and not explicitly set).
  • yaml
Enable YAML output, in particular YAML boolean (cast is implied, so the other types should already be in proper format). This is automatically enabled when the yaml or yamlmulti module is used (and not explicitly set).
  • yesno
Convert boolean to (lowercase) ‘yes’ and ‘no’.
Convert boolean to (uppercase) ‘YES’ and ‘NO’.
  • truefalse
Convert boolean to (lowercase) ‘true’ and ‘false’.
Convert boolean to (uppercase) ‘TRUE’ and ‘FALSE’.
  • doublequote
Convert string to doublequoted string.
  • singlequote
Convert string to singlequoted string.
  • joincomma
Convert list of scalars in comma-separated list of strings (if first element is scalar). List where first element is non-scalar is not converted (but any of the nested list could).
  • joinspace

Convert list of scalars in space-separated list of strings (if first element is scalar). List where first element is non-scalar is not converted (but any of the nested list could).

Caveat: is preceded by joincomma option.

  • unescapekey
Unescape all dict keys.
  • lowerkey
Convert all dict keys to lowercase.
  • upperkey
Convert all dict keys to uppercase.

Other getTree options

  • depth

Only return the next depth levels of nesting (and use the Element instances as values). A depth == 0 is the element itself, depth == 1 is the first level, …

The depth is shifted one level when the yamlmulti module is used.

Default or depth undef returns all levels.

  • ccm_format

Returns the CCM::TextRender instance for predefined format and element. All options are passed to CCM::TextRender initialisation. Returns undef incase the format is not defined. An array with valid formats is exported via @CCM_FORMATS.

Supported formats are:

  • json
  • jsonpretty
  • pan
  • pancxml
  • query
  • yaml

Usage example:

use EDG::WP4::CCM::TextRender qw(ccm_format);
my $format = 'json';
my $element = $config->getElement("/");
my $trd = ccm_format($format, $element);

if (defined $trd->get_text()) {
    print "$trd";
} else {
    $logger->error("Failed to textrender format $format: $trd->{fail}")