

EDG::WP4::CCM::Path - Path class


$path = EDG::WP4::CCM::Path->new("/hardware/memory/size");
print "$path"; # stringification

$path = $path->down($level);

$path = $path->up();


Module provides implementation of the Path class. Class is used to manipulate absolute paths

Public methods

  • new ($path)

Create new EDG::WP4::CCM::Path instance.

If path argument is not specified, root path (/) is used. Empty string is not allowed as an argument.

path is a string representation of the path as defined in the NVA-API Specification document.

  • depth
Return the number of subpaths, starting from /.
  • get_last
Return last (safe unescaped) subpath or undef in case of /. The strip_unescape boolean is passed to _safe_unescape.
  • toString

Get the (raw) string representation of path.

The EDG::WP4::CCM::Path instances also support stringification (the _stringify method is used for that) and might create different result due to safe_unescape.

  • _boolean
bool overload: Path instance is always true (avoids stringification on logic test)
  • _stringify

Method for overloaded stringification.

This includes support for safe_unescape to wrap unescaped subpaths in {}.

  • up
Removes last chunk of the path and returns it. If the path is already / then the method raises an exception.
  • down
Add chunk to the path. The chunk can be compound path. (A leading / will be ignored).
  • merge
Return a new instance with optional (list of) subpaths added.
  • parent
Return a new instance with parent path. Returns undef if current element is /.

Public functions

  • unescape
Returns an unescaped version of the argument. This method is exported for use with all the components that deal with escaped keys.
  • escape
Returns an escaped version of the argument. This method is exported on demand for use with all tools that have to escape and unescape values.
  • path_split
Function to split a string in list of subpaths. Supports escaping of subpaths wrapped in {...}.
  • set_safe_unescape

Set the list of (parent) paths whose children are known to be escaped paths. (The list is set to all arguments passed, not appended to current safe_unescape list).

Paths can either be strings (an exact match will be used) or compiled regular expressions.

These child subpaths are safe to represent as their unescaped value wrapped in {} when <toString> method is called (e.g. during stringification).

Parent paths who have a safe-to escape parent path of their own should be added already escaped.

The list is stored in the safe_unescape module variable and can emptied with reset_safe_unescape exported functions.

If no argument is passed, a predefined list of paths is used. The paths are known to be escaped in quattor profiles, e.g. /software/components/metaconfig/services. (To reset the active safe_unescape list, use reset_safe_unescape function.

  • reset_safe_unescape
Reset the safe_unescape list.
  • _safe_unescape

Given path and subpath, test is path is in @safe_unescape and if it is, return unescaped subpath enclosed in {} (or not enclosed if strip_unescape is true).

If not, return unmodified subpath.