

EDG::WP4::CCM::CacheManager::Configuration - Configuration class


$cid = $cfg->getConfigurationId();
$elt = $cfg->getElement($path);
$elt = $cfg->getElement($string);
$val = $cfg->getValue($path);
$val = $cfg->getValue($string);
$bool = $cfg->elementExists($path);
$bool = $cfg->elementExists($string);
$bool = $cfg->isLocked();


Module provides the Configuration class, to manipulate confgurations.

  • new
Create Configuration object. It takes three arguments:
cache_manager: the CacheManager object cid: the configuration id locked: boolean lock flag anonymous: boolean anonymous flag name_template: name template

If a configuration with specified CID does not exists, an exception is thrown.

When the locked flag is set (or when the lock method is called to set it), the Configuration instance is bound to the specific CID, even if this is not the CacheManager’s current one (e.g. when a new profile is fetched during the lifetime of the process, the CacheManager current CID is updated to the latest one). The locking is relevant when a CCM::CacheManager::Element is accessed via a CCM::Configuration instance (in particular, when a call to _prepareElement is made). As a consequence, an unlocked Configuration instance will always use the CacheManager’s current CID.

Unless the anonymous flag is set to true, each process that creates a Configuration instance, creates a file named ccm-active-profile.$cid.$pid (with $cid the CID and $pid the process ID) under the profile.$cid directory in the CacheManager cache path. The presence of this file protects the process from getting this particular CID removed by the ccm-purge command (e.g. by the daily purge cron job). If the anonymous flag is set to -1, the permissions of the user to create this file are verified, and if the user can write to this file, the anonymous flag is set to false (this is only verified once during initialisation).

Processes that have no permission to create this file (or don’t care about long runtimes), can set the anonymous flag and use the configuration (at their own risk).

  • getConfigurationId ()
Returns configuration id.
  • lock ()
Lock configuration (local lock).
  • unlock ()
Unlock configuration (local unlock).
  • isLocked ()
Returns true if the configuration is locked, otherwise false
  • getName

Return the name of the Configuration based on the name template set during initialisation.

The type argument (default name) specifies which name format is used. The actual template used is CCM/names/<name_template>/``type.tt``.

Following types are defined

  • name: (compact) name

The data used for rendering is the /metadata tree.

The rendered text is stripped from any leading and/or trailing whitespace and is added to the name attribute, the next getName call will return the cached value.

If no template was set, undef is returned. If there was rendering (or any other) failure, undef is returned and the fail attribute is set.

  • getElement ($path)
Returns Element object identified by $path (path may be a string or and object of class Path)
  • getValue ($path)
returns value of the element identified by $path
  • elementExists ($path)
returns true if elements identified by $path exists
  • getTree ($path)

returns getTree of the element identified by $path. Any other optional arguments are passed to getTree.

If the path does not exist, undef is returned. (Any error reason is set as the fail attribute and the error is ignored.)