



$cm = EDG::WP4::CCM::CacheManager->new(["/path/to/root/of/cache"]);
$cfg = $cm->getUnlockedConfiguration($cred[, $cid]);
$cfg = $cm->getLockedConfiguration($cred[, $cid]);
$cfg = $cm->getAnonymousConfiguration($cred[, $cid]);
$bool = $cm->isLocked();


Module provides CacheManager class. This is the top level class of the NVA-API library. It is used by the clients to interact with the NVA cache.

  • new ($cache_path)

Create new CacheManager object with $cache_path.

$config_file is an optional parameter that points to the CCM config file.

  • getCachePath
returns path of the cache
  • getConfigurationPath
For given cid, return the basepath of the Configuration data. (No checks are made e.g. if the directory exists, simply returns the directory name).
  • getCids

Return arrayref to sorted list of all found/valid CIDs.

Returns undef in case of problem.

  • getCid

For given cid, validate and check the CID.

Returns undef for a non-existing CID.

Also handles special values for cid:

  • undef, “current” or empty string
If CID is undef, the string “current” or an empty string, the current CID (from the “current.cid” file) is returned.
  • “latest” or “-”
If CID is the string “latest” or “-”, the latest CID (from the “latest.cid” file) is returned.
  • negative value (e.g. -1)

If CID is negative -N, the N-th most recent CID value is returned (e.g. -1 returns the most recent CID, -2 the CID before the most recent, …).

(A distinction is made between “most recent” and “latest”, as the “latest” CID is held in the “latest.cid” file).

  • getConfiguration ($cred, $cid)

Returns narrowest-possible Configuration object.

If cid is defined, return a locked Configuration with this cid. (Special values for cid are handled by the getCid method).

If cid is undefined, an unlocked Configuration is used (and the write permission for the anonymous flag are checked against the CacheManager’s current CID).

The Configuration instance is created with anonymous flag equal to -1 (i.e. the Configuration instance will determine if the Configuration is anonymous or not based on the write permissions of the current process).

The locked and anonymous flags can also be forced via named arguments (e.g. <locked = 1>> or <anonymous = 1>>).

Security and $cred parameter meaning are not defined (but is kept for compatibility with other get{Locked,Unlock,Anonymous}Configuration methods).

The configuration template name can also be passed via an optional named argument name_template (e.g. name_template => basic).

  • getUnlockedConfiguration ($cred; $cid)

This method is deprecated in favour of getConfiguration.

Returns unlocked Configuration object.

Unless the object is locked explicitly later by calling the lock method, CCM::CacheManager::Element``s will always be fetched from the current CID, not the CID passed via ``$cid. (If the $cid parameter is omitted, the most recently downloaded configuration (when the cache was not globally locked) is returned.)

Security and $cred parameter meaning are not defined.

  • getLockedConfiguration ($cred; $cid)

This method is deprecated in favour of getConfiguration.

Returns locked Configuration object. If the $cid parameter is omitted, the most recently downloaded configuration (when the cache was not globally locked) is returned.

Security and $cred parameter meaning are not defined.

  • getAnonymousConfiguration ($cred; $cid)

This method is deprecated in favour of getConfiguration.

Returns unlocked anonymous Configuration object.

Unless the object is locked explicitly later by calling the lock method, CCM::CacheManager::Element``s will always be fetched from the current CID, not the CID passed via ``$cid. (If the $cid parameter is omitted, the most recently downloaded configuration (when the cache was not globally locked) is returned.)

Security and $cred parameter meaning are not defined.

  • isLocked ()
Returns true if the cache is globally locked, otherwise false.
  • getCurrentCid
returns current cid (from cid file)
  • getLatestCid
returns latest cid (from cid file)