

CAF::Process - Class for running commands in CAF applications


use CAF::Process;
my $proc = CAF::Process->new ([qw (my command)], log => $self);
$proc->pushargs (qw (more arguments));
my $output = $proc->output();


This class provides a convenient wrapper to LC::Process functions. Commands are logged at the verbose level.

All these methods return the return value of their LC::Process equivalent. This is different from the command’s exit status, which is stored in $?.

Please use these functions, and do not use \`\`, qx// or system. These functions won’t spawn a subshell, and thus are more secure.

Private methods

  • _initialize

Initialize the process object. Arguments:

  • $command
A reference to an array with the command and its arguments.
  • %opts

A hash with the command options:

  • log
The log object. If not supplied, no logging will be performed.
  • timeout
Maximum execution time, in seconds, for the command. If it’s too slow it will be killed.
  • pid
Reference to a scalar that will hold the child’s PID.
  • stdin
Data to be passed to the child’s stdin
  • stdout
Reference to a scalar that will have child’s stdout
  • stderr
Reference to a scalar that will hold the child’s stderr.
  • keeps_state

A boolean specifying whether the command respects the current system state or not. A command that keeps_state will be executed, regardless of any value for NoAction.

By default, commands modify the state and thus keeps_state is false.

  • sensitive

A boolean, hashref or functionref specifying whether the arguments contain sensitive information (like passwords).

If sensitive is true, the commandline will not be reported (by default when log option is used, the commandline is reported with verbose level).

If sensitive is a hash reference, a basic search (key) and replace (value) is performed. The keys and values are not interpreted as regexp patterns. The order of the search and replace is determined by the sorted values (this gives you some control over the order). Be aware that all occurences are replaced, and when e.g. weak passwords are used, it might reveal the password by replacing other parts of the commandline (--password=password might be replaced by --SECRET=SECRET, thus revealing the weak password). Also, when a key is a substring of another key, it will reveal (parts of) sensitive data if the order is not correct.

If sensitive is a function reference, the command arrayref is passed as only argument, and the stringified return value is reported.

my $replace = sub {
    my $command = shift;
    return join("_", @$command);


CAF::Process->new(..., sensitive => $replace);

This does not cover command output. If the output (stdout and/or stderr) contains sensitve information, make sure to handle it yourself via stdout and/or stderr options (or by using the output method).

These options will only be used by the execute method.

  • _sensitive_commandline

Generate the reported command line text, in particular it deals with the sensitive attribute. When the sensitive attribute is not set, it returns stringify_command.

This method does not report, only returns text.

See the description of the sensitive option in _initialize.

  • _LC_Process

Run LC::Process function with arrayref arguments args.

noaction_value is is the value to return with NoAction.

msg and postmsg are used to construct log message <msg> command: <COMMAND>[ <postmsg>].

Public methods

  • execute

Runs the command, with the options passed at initialization time. If running on verbose mode, the exact command line and options are logged.

Please, initialize the object with log => '' if you are passing confidential data as an argument to your command.

  • output
Returns the output of the command. The output will not be logged for security reasons.
  • toutput
Returns the output of the command, that will be run with the timeout passed as an argument. The output will not be logged for security reasons.
  • stream_output

Execute the commands using execute, but the stderr is redirected to stdout, and stdout is processed with process function. The total output is aggregated and returned when finished.

Extra option is the process mode. By default (or value undef), the new output is passed to process. With mode line, process is called for each line of output (i.e. separated by newline), and the remainder of the output when the process is finished.

Another option are the process arguments. This is a reference to the array of arguments passed to the process function. The arguments are passed before the output to the process: e.g. if arguments =\> [qw(a b)] is used, the process function is called like process(a,b,$newoutput) (with $newoutput the new streamed output)

Example usage: during a yum install, you want to stop the yum process when an error message is detected.

sub act {
    my ($self, $proc, $message) = @_;
    if ($message =~ m/error/) {
        $self->error("Error encountered, stopping process: $message");

$self->info("Going to start yum");
my $p = CAF::Process->new([qw(yum install error)], input => 'init');
$p->stream_output(\&act, mode => line, arguments => [$self, $p]);
  • run
Runs the command.
  • trun
Runs the command with $timeout seconds of timeout.
  • pushargs
Appends the arguments to the list of command arguments
  • setopts
Sets the hash of options passed to the options for the command
  • stringify_command
Return the command and its arguments as a space separated string.
  • get_command
Return the reference to the array with the command and its arguments.
  • get_executable
Return the executable (i.e. the first element of the command).
  • is_executable

Checks if the first element of the array with the command and its arguments, is executable.

It returns the result of the -x test on the filename (or undef if filename can’t be resolved).

If the filename is equal to the basename, then the filename to test is resolved using the File::Which::which method. (Use ./script if you want to check a script in the current working directory).

  • execute_if_exists

Execute after verifying the executable (i.e. the first element of the command) exists and is executable.

If this is not the case the method returns 1.


On the next examples, no log is used. If you want your component to log the command, just add log => $self to the object creation.

Running a command

First, create the command:

my $proc = CAF::Process->new (["ls", "-lh"]);

Then, choose amongst:


Emulating backticks to get a command’s output

Create the command:

my $proc = CAF::Process->new (["ls", "-lh"]);

And get the output:

my $output = $proc->output();

Piping into a command’s stdin

Create the contents to be piped:

my $contents = "Hello, world";

Create the command, specifying $contents as the input, and execute it:

my $proc = CAF::Process->new (["cat", "-"], stdin => $contents);

Piping in and out

Suppose we want a bi-directional pipe: we provide the command’s stdin, and need to get its output and error:

my ($stdin, $stdout, $stderr) = ("Hello, world", undef, undef);
my $proc = CAF::Process->new (["cat", "-"], stdin => $stdin,
                              stdout => \$stdout
                              stderr => \$stderr);

And we’ll have the command’s standard output and error on $stdout and $stderr.

Creating the command dynamically

Suppose you want to add options to your command, dynamically:

my $proc = CAF::Process->new (["ls", "-l"]);
$proc->pushargs ("-a", "-h");
if ($my_expression) {
    $proc->pushargs ("-S");

# Runs ls -l -a -h -S


Okay, you really want them. You can’t live without them. You found some obscure case that really needs a shell. Here is how to get it. But please, don’t use it without a good reason:

my $cmd = CAF::Process->new(["ls -lh|wc -l"], log => $self,
                             shell => 1);

It will only work with the execute method.