

CAF::Kerberos - Class for Kerberos handling using GSSAPI.


This class handles Kerberos tickets and some utitlities like kerberos en/decryption.

To create a new ticket for principal SERVICE/host@REALM (using default (server) keytab for the TGT), you can use

my $krb = CAF::Kerberos->new(
    principal => 'SERVICE/host@REALM',
    log => $self,
return if(! defined($krb->get_context()));

# set environment to temporary credential cache
# temporary cache is cleaned-up during destroy of $krb
local %ENV = %ENV;


  • _initialize

Initialize the kerberos object. Arguments:

Optional arguments

  • log
A CAF::Reporter object to log to.
  • lifetime, keytab
Ticket lifetime and keytab are passed to update_ticket_options method.
  • primary, instances, realm, principal
Principal primary, instances, realm and principal are passed to update_principal method.
  • update_ticket_options

Update ticket details using optional named arguments (and set the keytab ENV attributes).

  • lifetime
Requested lifetime. (There is no verification if the actual lifetime is this long).
  • keytab
Set the keytab to use to create the TGT.
  • update_principal

Set the principal details (primary, instances and/or realm) using following optional named arguments

  • primary
The primary component (i.e. username or service) (cannot be empty string).
  • instances
Array reference with instances for the principal
  • realm
The realm.
  • principal
The principal string, will be split in above components. Any individual component specified will precede the value from this string.
  • create_credential_cache

Create the credential cache and add the KRB5CCNAME to the temp environment. Use kinit to get an initial TGT for that cache.

Returns SUCCESS on success, undef otherwise (see fail attribute).

  • get_context

Create a GSSAPI::Context.

Following options are supported

  • name
The GSSAPI::Name instance to use. If undef, get_name method will be used to create one.
  • iflags
Input flags/bits for the Context to create to support certain service options. (See e.g. _spnego_iflags). Defaults to 0.
  • itoken
Input token (q{} is used if not defined).
  • usecred
Boolean, if true, (try to) get a credential before getting the context.

Returns the output token in case of succes, undef in case of failure.

  • get_cred

Acquire a GSSAPI::Cred instance.

Following options are supported

  • name
The GSSAPI::Name instance to use. If undef, get_name method will be used to create one.
  • usage
Specify the credential usage, one of GSSAPI constants GSS_C_INITIATE, GSS_C_ACCEPT or (default) GSS_C_BOTH.

Returns the GSSAPI::Cred instance in case of succes, undef in case of failure.

  • get_hrname
Return human readablename from GSSAPI::Name instance. Return undef on failure (and set fail attribute with reason).
  • get_name

Return a imported GSSAPI::Name instance.

Returns undef on failure.

Optional principal hashref is passed to _principal_string.


On DESTROY, following cleanup will be triggered

  • Cleanup of credential cache
  • _principal_string

Convert the principal hashref into a principal string.

Optional principal hashref can be passed, if none is provided, use the instance $self->{principal}.

Returns the principal string, undef in case or problem.

  • _split_principal_string

Split a principal string in primary, instances and realm components.

Returns a hashref with the components, undef incase the string is invalid.

  • _spnego_iflags

Create the SPNEGO iflags for Context instance.

Optional $delegate boolean.

  • _gss_decrypt
Given token, decrypt inbuf that is encrypted with GSSAPI wrap’ping. Returns human readable GSSAPI::Name and decrypted output buffer. Returns undef on failure.
  • _gss_status

Evaulatues status: on success, returns SUCCESS reports with verbose, on failure returns fail (The fail message is set in the fail attribute).

Optional text can be used to construct the message prefix.

  • _gssapi_{init,accept,wrap,unwrap,import,display}

Interfaces to GSSAPI methods returning a GSSAPI::Status instance.

Given an instance of GSSAPI::Context (for accept,init,valid_time_left,wrap,unwrap) or GSSAPI::Name (for display,import), call the metod on the instacne with the remaining arguments. The returned status is processed by _gss_status.

Returns undef in case of failure (with message in fail attribute), SUCCESS otherwise.

  • _process

Run arrayref $cmd via CAF::Process->new->output in updated environment.

Returns the output (and sets $?).

  • _kinit

Obtain the TGT using kinit, using the credential cache specified in the ‘KRB5CCNAME’ environment variable.

Principal used is generated via _principal_string.

Returns SUCCESS on success, undef otherwise.