

CAF::History - Class to keep history of events


package mypackage;

use qw(CAF::History);

sub _initialize
    $self->{HISTORY} = CAF::History->new();

sub foo {
    my ($self, $a, $b, $c) = @_;


CAF::History provides class methods for tracking and lookup of events.

TODO: CAF::History should provide interfaces for

  • loading / saving history to file e.g. sqlite
  • lookup / querying events (e.g. what files where last written to by component X)

Public methods

  • new

Create a CAF::History instance,

The history is a hashref with keys

an array reference holding all events.
  • $LAST
The latest state of each id
The index of the next event.
  • optional $INSTANCES

If keep_instances is set, an INSTANCES attribute is also added, and any events will keep track of the (blessed) instances.

Caveat: this will prevent code that relies on instances going out of scope to perform certain actions on DESTROY, to function properly.

By default, INSTANCES are not kept.

  • event

Add an event. An event is specified by an id from the $obj and a hash metadata. (Metadata can be passed as ->event($obj, modified => 0);.)

If an instance is passed, the Scalar::Util::refaddr is used as internal identifier. If a scalar is passed, it’s value is used.

Object instances are also added to an instances hash-ref to handle DESTROY properly (but only if the initial HISTORY attribute has an INSTANCES attribute).

Following metadata is added automatically

  • IDX
The unique event index, increases one per event.
  • ID
The identifier
  • REF
The obj ref
  • TS
The timestamp (private method _now is used to determine the timestamp)

The last metadata of each event is also held stored (for convenient access).

Returns SUCCESS on success, undef otherwise.

  • query_raw

Primitive interface to query the events.

match is a anonymous sub that is passed the event as (only) argument (each event is a metadata hashref). Returns true if the event matches and is to be returned.

filter is an arrayref of metadata keys to filter from the event (only event metadata matching the filter is returned).

Returns an arrayref of (a shallow copy of) the event metadata.

TODO: support proper, human-friendly query interface via (NO)SQL

  • close

Closes the history which triggers following

  • destroy INSTANCES
  • TODO: report an overview of events
E.g. all modified FileWriter and Editors

Returns SUCCESS on success, undef otherwise.

Private methods

  • _now
Return the timestamp to use. Implemented using builtin time for now, i.e. no timezones.
  • _cleanup_instances

Cleanup instances and remove any reference to instances held by the history.

This might trigger new events. After all, we must make sure we have all the events.

Following methods are supported

  • close
If the instance has a close method, the method is called without any arguments.

Returns SUCCESS on success, undef otherwise.