

Test::Quattor::Unittest - Baseline unittest module.


This is a class to trigger basic unittests. Should be used as follows:

use Test::Quattor::Unittest;
Adding the test is as simple as
echo ‘use Test::Quattor::Unittest;’ > 00-tqu.t


  • import

On import, run the tests.

Pass notest to disable automatic testing (only useful when testing this code).

Pass nopod to set the nopodflag (for doc test) when testing (is ignored when notest is passed).


  • new
No options are required/supported
  • read_cfg

Read default config followed by optional configfile tqu.cfg and optional variable $main::TQU.

Variable can be defined in main test as follows

    our $TQU = <<'EOF';

Every test section has at least the enable option, set to true by default. For all other options, read the respective method documentation.

  • test
Run all enabled tests, in order
  • load

Run basic load test using use_ok from Test::More.

The module(s) can be configured or guessed.

Configuration parameters

  • modules

Comma separated list op module names to try to load.

When specified, no guesses are made, only this list is used.

If : is passed, the prefix is used.

All trailing : are removed.

  • prefix
A prefix for all modules specified in the modules option.
  • doc

Documentation tests using Test::Quattor::Doc.

Configuration options poddirs, podfiles, emptypoddirs, panpaths and panout are parsed as comma-seperated lists and passed to Test::Quattor::Doc->new.

If the nopodflag attribute is true, and no emptypoddirs are defined, the Test::Quattor::Doc::DOC_TARGET_POD is set as emptypoddirs.

panpaths value NOPAN is special, as it disables the pan tests.

  • tt

Run TT unittests using Test::Quattor::TextRender::Component. (This does not apply to metaconfig tests).

Configuration options are passed to Test::Quattor::TextRender::Component->new.

The tests are only run if the basepath (default to src/main/resources) exists.

  • critic

Run Test::Quattor::Critic


  • codedirs
Comma-separated list of directories to look for code to test. (Defaults to poddirs (from doc test) or target/lib/perl).
  • exclude
A regexp to remove policies from list of fatal policies.
  • tidy

Run Test::Quattor::Tidy


  • codedirs
Comma-separated list of directories to look for code to test. (Defaults to poddirs (from doc test) or target/lib/perl).