

CAF::TextRender - Class for rendering structured text


use CAF::TextRender;

my $module = 'tiny';
my $trd = CAF::TextRender->new($module, $contents, log => $self);
print "$trd"; # stringification

$module = "yaml";
$trd = CAF::TextRender->new($module, $contents, log => $self);
# return CAF::FileWriter instance (rendered text already added)
my $fh = $trd->filewriter('/some/path');
die "Problem rendering the text" if (!defined($fh));


This class simplyfies the generation of structured text like config files. (It is based on 14.8.0 ncm-metaconfig).

Private methods

  • _initialize

Initialize the process object. Arguments:

  • module

The rendering module to use: either one of the following reserved values

  • json
JSON format (using JSON::XS) (JSON true and false have to be resp. \1 and c<0>)
  • yaml
YAML (using YAML::XS) (YAML true and false, either resp. <$YAML_BOOL-``{yes}>> and ``$YAML_BOOL->{no}; or the strings $YAML_BOOL_PREFIX."true" and $YAML_BOOL_PREFIX."false" (There are known problems with creating hashrefs using the $YAML_BOOL->{yes} value for true; Perl seems to mess up the structure when creating the hashrefs))
  • properties
Java properties format (using Config::Properties),
  • tiny
.INI format (using Config::Tiny)

(Previously available module <general> was removed in 15.12. Component writers needing this functionality can use the CCM::TextRender subclass instead).

Or, for any other value, Template::Toolkit is used, and the module then indicates the relative path of the template to use.

  • contents
contents is a hash reference holding the contents to pass to the rendering module.

It takes some extra optional arguments:

  • log, eol and usecache
Handled by _initialize_textopts from CAF::ObjectText
  • includepath
The basedirectory for TT template files, and the INCLUDE_PATH for the Template instance. The includepath is either a string (i.e. ‘:’-separated list of paths), an arrayref (of multiple include paths) or undef (the default ‘/usr/share/templates/quattor’ is used).
  • relpath
The relative path w.r.t. the includepath to look for TT template files. This relative path should not be part of the module name, however it is not the INCLUDE_PATH. (In particular, any TT INCLUDE statement has to use it as the relative basepath). If relpath is undefined, the default ‘metaconfig’ is used. If you do not have a subdirectory in the includepath, use an empty string.
  • ttoptions
A hash-reference ttoptions with Template Toolkit options, except for INCLUDE_PATH which is forced via includepath option. By default, STRICT (default 0) and RECURSION (default 1) are set.