

This module implements a rule-based editor that is used to modify the content of an existing file. Each rule driving the editing process is applied to all lines wose “keyword” is matching the one specified in the rule. The input for updating the file is a hash typically built from the Quattor configuration when the rule-based editor is called from a configuration module. Conditions can be defined based on the contents of this configuration. Lines in the configuration file that don’t match any rule are kept unmodified.

This module is a subclass of the CAF::FileEditor: it extends the base methods of the CAF::FileEditor. It has only one public method (it uses the CAF::FileEditor constructor). The methods provided in this module can be combined with CAF::FileEditormethods to edit a file.

Rules used to edit the file are defined in a hash: each entry (key/value pair) defines a rule. Multiple rules can be applied to the same file: it is important that they are orthogonal, else the result is unpredictable. The order used to apply rules is the alphabetical order of keywords. Applying the rules to the same configuration always give the same result but the changes are not necessarily idempotent (order in which successive edits occured may matter, depending on the actual rules).

The hash entry key represents the line keyword in configuration file and hash value is the parsing rule for the keyword value. Parsing rule format is :


If the line keyword (hash key) starts with a ‘-‘, the matching configuration line will be removed/commented out (instead of added/updated) from the configuration file if present. If it starts with a ‘?’, the matching line will be removed/commented out if the option is undefined.

  • condition

An option or an option set/subset (see below) that must exist for the rule to be applied or the keyword ALWAYS. Both option_set and option_name:option_set are accepted. option and option set in the condition are normally different from the option_name and option_set parameters in the rule as this is the default behaviour to apply the rule only if they exist. One option set only is allowed and only its existence (not its value) is tested.

option_set can be either an actual option set as defined below or a subset of an option set (a subhash of the option set hash). To specify a subset, use / as a level separator, e.g. xroot/securityProtocol/gsi (gsi subet of securityProtocol subset of xroot option set).

It is possible to negate the condition (option or option_set must not exist) by prepending it with ‘!’.

ALWAYS is a special condition that means that rules must be applied whether the option_name:option_set exist in the configuration or not. When they don’t exist the result is to comment out the matching configuration lines.

  • option_name
The name of an option that will be retrieved from the configuration. An option is a key in the option set hash.
  • option_set
The name of an option set where the option is located in (for example ‘dpnsHost:dpm’ means dpnsHost option of dpm option set). An option set is a sub-hash in the configuration hash. GLOBAL is a special value for option_set indicating that the option is a global option, instead of belonging to a specific option set (global options are at the top level of the configuration hash).
  • line_fmt
Defines the format used to represent the keyword/value pair. Several format are supported covering the most usual ones (SH shell script, Apache, …). For the exact list, see the definition of LINE_FORMAT_xxx constants and the associated documentation below.
  • value_fmt
used to indicate how to interpret the configuration value. It is used mainly for boolean values, list and hashes. See LINE_VALUE_xxx constants below for the possible values.
  • value_fmt
used to indicate how to interpret the configuration value. It is used mainly for boolean values, list and hashes. See LINE_VALUE_xxx constants below for the possible values.

An example of rule declaration is:

my %dpm_config_rules_2 = (
    "GLOBUS_THREAD_MODEL" => "globusThreadModel:dpm;".LINE_FORMAT_ENV_VAR,

For more comprehensive examples of rules, look at ncm-dpmlfc or ncm-xrootd source code in configuration-modules-grid repository.

Rule Constants

The constants described here are used to build the rules. All these constants are exported. Add the following to use them:

use RuleBasedEditor qw(:rule_constants);

There is a different group of constants for each part of the rule.

LINE_FORMAT_xxx: general syntax of the line

Keyword value (e.g. Xrootd, Apache) keywork/value separator can be customized with LINE_VALUE_OPT_SEP_xxx. No coment is added to the line. This is the default line format.
Set keyword value. Same remarks as for LINE_FORMAT_KW_VAL.
Setenv keyword value Same remarks as for LINE_FORMAT_KW_VAL.
Export keyword=value (e.g. SH shell family). A comment is added at the end of the line if it is modified by CAF::RuleBasedEditor. If the value contains whitespaces, it is quoted.
keyword=value (e.g. SH shell family). A comment is added at the end of the line if it is modified by CAF::RuleBasedEditor. If the value contains whitespaces, it is quoted.

Inline comments are not supported for the LINE_FORMAT_KW_VAL_xxx formats.

LINE_VALUE_xxx: how to interpret the configuration value

Take the value as it is, do not attempt any conversion. This is the default value type.
Interpret the value as a boolean rendered as yes or no.
The value is an array. Rendering controlled by LINE_OPT_xxx constants.
The value is a hash of strings. Rendering controlled by LINE_OPT_xxx constants.
The value is a hash whose keys are the value. Rendering similar to arrays with LINE_VALUE_ARRAY (the key list is treated as an array).
specific to ncm-xrootd

LINE_OPT_xxx: options for rendering the config line

These options mainly apply to lists and hashes and are interpreted as a bitmask.

If set, add a - before the keyword when writing it in the configuration file.
Each value in an array or keyword/value pair in a hash must be on a separate line. This results in several instances of the same keyword (multiple lines) in the configuration file.
Each values are concatenated as a space-separated string
Values are sorted
When LINE_VALUE_HASH, use a colon between each hash key and value.
Use a colon between keyword and value.
Use an equal sign between keyword and value.
When updating the value, put a space around the keyword/value separator.

$FILE_INTRO_xxx: constants defining the expected header lines in the configuration file

Public methods

  • updateFile

Update configuration file contents, applying configuration rules.

Arguments :

config_rules: a hashref containing config rules corresponding to the file to build
config_options: a hashref for configuration parameters used to build actual configuration
options: a hashref defining options to modify the behaviour of this function

Supported entries for options hash:

always_rules_only: if true, apply only rules with ALWAYS condition (D: false). See introduction
                   about the ALWAYS condition.
remove_if_undef: if true, remove matching configuration line if rule condition is not met (D: false)

Return value

sucess: 1
error processing of one or more rules: 0
argument error or error duing rule processing: undef

Private methods

  • formatAttributeValue

This function formats an attribute value based on the value format specified.


attr_value : attribute value (type interpreted based on C<value_fmt>)
line_fmt : line format (see LINE_FORMAT_xxx constants)
value_fmt : value format (see LINE_VALUE_xxx constants)
line_opt: line rendering options

Return value:

A string corresponding to the value formatted according to the format specified by arguments
or undef in case of an internal error (missing arguments)
  • _formatConfigLine

This function formats a configuration line using keyword and value, according to the line format requested. Values containing spaces are quoted if the line format is not LINE_FORMAT_KW_VAL.

Arguments :

keyword : line keyword
value : keyword value (can be an empty string)
line_fmt : line format (see LINE_FORMAT_xxx constants)
line_opt: line rendering options

Return value:

A string corresponding to the line formatted according to line_fmt
or undef in case of an internal error (missing arguments)
  • _escape_regexp_string

Help method to escape all characters with a special interpretation in the context of a regexp.


regexp_str: initial regexp string (characters not escaped)

Return value:

string: regexp with all specail characters escaped
  • _buildLinePattern

This function builds a pattern that will match an existing configuration line for the configuration parameter specified. The pattern built takes into account the line format. Every whitespace in the pattern (configuration parameter) are replaced by s+. If the line format is LINE_FORMAT_KW_VAL, no whitespace is imposed at the end of the pattern, as this format can be used to write a configuration directive as a keyword with no value.

Arguments :

config_param: parameter to update
line_fmt: line format (see LINE_FORMAT_xxx constants)
line_opt: line rendering options
config_value: when defined, make it part of the pattern (used when multiple lines
              with the same keyword are allowed)

Return value:

A string containing the pattern to use to match the line in the file or undef
in case of an internal error (missing argument or an invalid line format).
  • _commentConfigLine

This function comments out a configuration line matching the configuration parameter. Match operation takes into account the line format.

Arguments :

config_param: parameter to update
line_fmt : line format (see LINE_FORMAT_xxx constants)
line_opt: line rendering options

Return value:

success: 1
error during processing: 0
internal error (missing argument): undef
  • _updateConfigLine

This function does the actual update of a configuration line after doing the final line formatting based on the line format.

Arguments :

config_param: parameter to update
config_value: parameter value (can be an empty string)
line_fmt: line format (see LINE_FORMAT_xxx constants)
line_opt: line rendering options
multiple: if true, multiple lines with the same keyword can exist (D: false)

Return value:

undef or 1 in case of an internal error (missing argument)
  • _parse_rule

Parse a rule and return as a hash the information necessary to edit lines. If the rule condition is not met, undef is returned. If an error occured, the hash contains more information about the error.

Arguments :

rule: rule to parse
config_options: configuration parameters used to build actual configuration
parser_options: a hashref defining options to modify the behaviour of this function

Supported entries for options hash:

always_rules_only: if true, apply only rules with ALWAYS condition (D: false). See introduction
                   about the ALWAYS condition.
remove_if_undef: if true, remove matching configuration line if rule condition is not met (D: false)

Return value: undef if the rule condition is not met or a hash with the following information:

error_msg: a non empty string if an error happened during parsing
remove_matching_lines: a boolean indicating that the matching lines must be removed
option_sets: a list of option sets containing the attribute to use in the updated line
attribute: the option attribute to use in the updated line
  • _apply_rules

Apply configuration rules. This method is the real workhorse of the rule-based editor.

Arguments :

config_rules: config rules corresponding to the file to build
config_options: configuration parameters used to build actual configuration. Note that keys in the
                config_options hash are interpreted as escaped (generally harmless if they are not as the
                killing sequence, '_'+ 2 hex digit, is unlikely to occur in this context. Use camel case
                for keys to prevent problems).
parser_options: a hash setting options to modify the behaviour of this function

Supported entries for options hash:

always_rules_only: if true, apply only rules with ALWAYS condition (D: false)
remove_if_undef: if true, remove matching configuration line if rule condition is not met (D: false)

Return value:

success: 1
error processing one or more rules: 0
undef in case of an internal error (missing argument)