EDG::WP4::CCM::CacheManager::Element - Element class


$eid = $element->getEID();
$name = $element->getName();
$path = $element->getPath()
$type = $element->getType();
$derivation = $element->getDerivation();
$checksum = $element->getChecksum();
$description = $element->getDescription();
$value = $element->getValue();
$boolean = $element->isType($type);
$boolean = $element->isResource();
$boolean = $element->isProperty();
$hashref = $element->getRecHash();


The class EDG::WP4::CCM::CacheManager::Element implements those methods that are common to all elements and represents a Property. The class is a base class for EDG::WP4::CCM::CacheManager::Resource, which has additional methods.

  • new($config, $ele_path)

    Create new Element object. The $config parameter is a Configuration object with the profile. The $ele_path parameter is the element's configuration path (it can be either a Path object or a string).

  • _get_tied_db

    Wrapper around read_db() to attempt to cache the tied hash. Takes a scalar reference (to be filled in with either a new hash ref or the cached hash ref) instead of a hash ref.

    The caching mechanism is extremely conservative and will only cache the last version of path2eid or eid2path to be accessed. It makes the assumption that these files will never change. (Instead, new profile data goes into a whole new path.)

  • elementExists($config, $ele_path)

    Returns true if the element identified by $ele_path exists otherwise false is returned

  • createElement($config, $ele_path)

    Create a new Resource or Element object, depending on the type of the element given by $ele_path. The $config parameter is a Configuration object with the profile. The $ele_path parameter is the element's configuration path (it can be either a Path object or a string).

  • getConfiguration()

    Returns the element's Configuration object

  • getEID()

    Returns the Element ID of the object.

    This method is not a part of the NVA-API specification, it may be a subject to change.

  • getName()

    Returns the name of the object

  • getPath()

    Returns a Path object with the element's path

  • getType()

    Returns the element's type, that is, one of the TYPE_* constans

  • getDerivation()

    Returns the element's derivation

  • getChecksum()

    Returns the element's checksum (that is, MD5 digest)

  • getDescription()

    Returns the element's description

  • getValue()

    Returns the element's value, as a string

    This method is not a part of the NVA-API specification, it may be a subject to change.

  • isType($type)

    Returns true if the element's type match type contained in argument $type

  • isResource()

    Return true if the element's type is RESOURCE

  • isProperty()

    Return true if the element's type is PROPERTY

  • getTree

    Returns a reference to a nested hash composed of all elements below this element. Corrected according to the III Quattor Workshop recomendations. Now, PAN booleans map to Perl booleans, PAN lists map to Perl array references and PAN nlists map to Perl hash references.

    Note that links cannot be followed.

    If depth is specified (and not undef), only return the next depth levels of nesting (and use the Element instances as values). A depth == 0 is the element itself, depth == 1 is the first level, ...

    Named options

    • convert_boolean

      Array ref of anonymous methods to convert the argument (1 or 0 for resp true and false) to another boolean representation.

    • convert_string

      Array ref of anonymous methods to convert the argument (string value) to another representation/format.

    • convert_long

      Array ref of anonymous methods to convert the argument (integer/long value) to another representation/format.

    • convert_double

      Array ref of anonymous methods to convert the argument (float/double value) to another representation/format.

    • convert_list

      Array ref of anonymous methods to convert the argument (list of elements) to another representation/format.

      Each element is already processed before the conversion.

    • convert_nlist

      Array ref of anonymous methods to convert the argument (nlist of elements) to another representation/format.

      Each element is already processed before the conversion.

    The arrayref of anonymous methods are applied as follows: convert methods [a, b, c] will produce $new = c(b(a($old))). (An exception is thrown if these methods are not code references).