globuscfg: Configure Globus services.


The globuscfg component configures the globus services. It manages the /etc/sysconfig/globus and globus configuration files. In addition, it will start the specified Globus services.


  • /software/components/globuscfg/sysconfigUpdate : boolean

    If false, /etc/sysconfig/globus is not updated. Must be set to false if you want to manage /etc/sysconfig/globus with another component (e.g. ncm-sysconfig).

    D : true

  • /software/components/globuscfg/GLOBUS_LOCATION

    The root of the Globus software tree. By default this is /opt/globus.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/GLOBUS_CONFIG

    The full path to the Globus configuration file. Defaults to /etc/globus.conf.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/globus_flavor_name

    The globus "flavor" to use. There is no default. A typical value is gcc32dbg.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/services

    The list of Globus services to restart after a configuration.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/x509_user_cert

  • /software/components/globuscfg/x509_user_key

    The path to the host certificate and key. These have no default as there are some machines which do not require the security infrastructure to be installed.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridmap

    The path to the grid-mapfile. This has no default as there are some machines which do not require the security infrastructure to be installed.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE

    The port range that the gatekeeper and gridftp will use to open up listening services for inbound tcp connections. eg 50000,52000

  • /software/components/globuscfg/GLOBUS_UDP_PORT_RANGE

    The port range that the gatekeeper and gridftp will use to open up listening services for inbound udp connections. eg 50000,52000

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridmapdir

    The path to the grid-mapfile. This has no default as there are some machines which do not require the security infrastructure to be installed.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/mds/globus_flavor_name

    The globus "flavor" to use for MDS will use global value unless specified.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/mds/user

    The user with which to run the MDS daemons (default: root).

  • /software/components/globuscfg/mds/x509_user_cert

  • /software/components/globuscfg/mds/x509_user_key

    The path to the certificate and key to use for MDS. Host credentials will be used if not specified.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/mds/gris/suffix

    The suffix to use for the GRISes. Defaults to "\"Mds-Vo-name=local,o=grid\"". Double quotes MUST appear as part of the value.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/mds/gris/provider

    A table of GRIS information providers to run within the MDS. By default the name of each provider is the name of the info provider executable (in the default area), so for example in the case of



"xyz" will be taken, as the name of the executable.
You may optionally specify a
fully-qualified executable name to override this default. The
parameter to set is, for example, "provider\_edg" for the edg
information provider.
  • /software/components/globuscfg/mds/gris/registration

    The list of GIISes to which the GRISes should register, so it has entries labelled with numbers. These entries are have further entries like regname, reghost, regport, regperiod, and ttl. These are optional; default values of these parameters can be changed this using them. The regperiod and ttl should be specified as a pair with ttl at least twice that of regperiod. The name of the GIIS defaults entry recordname, which is obligatory for every element.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/mds/giis/allowedregs

    The list of local GIISes to run. As for lists, entries which represent GIISes have numbers as names. They have an obligatory field (recordname), the identifier name of the entry. This will be taken as the default value for name parameter, but can be overriden by specifying this one explicitly. See example.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/mds/giis/allowedregs/<number>/allowreg

    The list of allowed host:port pairs which may register to this giis. This is a sub-parameter of the giis.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/mds/giis/registration

    To register a local GIIS to another GIIS specify explicitly at least the regname sub-parameter. Additionally, you may also specify reghost, regport, regperiod and ttl. The parameter reghost is required for a remote GIIS. Either the same tag as on the giis line must be used, or the tag variable can be specified.

    Multiple registrations for a local GIIS can be done by creating a dummy entry and explicitly specifying the tag and name parameters.

    The regperiod and ttl should be specified as a pair with ttl at least twice that of regperiod.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridftp/globus_flavour_name

    The globus "flavor" to use for GridFTP will use global value unless specified.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridftp/X509_USER_CERT

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridftp/X509_USER_KEY

    The path to the certificate and key to use for GridFTP. Host credentials will be used if not specified.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridftp/ftpd

    The full path to the GridFTP daemon. Normally this is not specified as the default is usually correct.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridftp/port

    The port number to use for the GridFTP daemon. The default is 2811.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridftp/umask

    The umask to use for the GridFTP daemon. The default is 002.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridftp/log

    The full path to the log file for the GridFTP daemon. This defaults to the area /var/log.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridftp/user

    The user with which to run the GridFTP daemon. Will default to root.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gridftp/options

    This will override all options for the GridFTP daemon. Use only if you really know what you are doing.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/globus_gatekeeper

    The executable name for the gatekeeper.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/extra_options

    Additional options to pass to the gatekeeper.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/globus_flavor_name

    The globus "flavor" to use for the gatekeeper will use global value unless specified.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/user

    The user name to use to run the gatekeeper.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/port

    The port to use for the gatekeeper. (This defaults to 2119 if not specified.)

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/logfile

    The location of the log file for the daemon. (Default depends on whether user is specified.)

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/jobmanagers

    The list of job managers to use for this gatekeeper. The fork job manager is required (and required to be the default), so only non-fork job managers need to be specified.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/jobmanagers/<entryNo>/recordname

    Obligatory parameter, identifier string for a certain job manager.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/jobmanagers/<entryNo>/type

    Mandatory option giving the type of LRMS. E.g. pbs, lsf, etc.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/jobmanagers/<enrtyNo>/job_manager

    Name of job manager executable.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/jobmanagers/<entryNo>/job_manager_path

    Path to the job manager executable. Only needs to be specified if it is in a non-standard location.

  • /software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/jobmanagers/<entryNo>/extra_config

    Extra configuration options needed by the job manager.


"/software/components/globuscfg/globus_flavor_name" = "gcc32dbg";

"/software/components/globuscfg/GLOBUS_LOCATION" = "/opt/globus";

"/software/components/globuscfg/GLOBUS_CONFIG" = "/etc/globus.conf";

"/software/components/globuscfg/services" = list(" globus-mds", "globus-gridftp");

"/software/components/globuscfg/mds/user" = "mdsuser";

"/software/components/globuscfg/gris/provider/globus-gris" = "";

"/software/components/globuscfg/gris/provider/othergrid" = "/opt/othergrid/";

"/software/components/globuscfg/gris/registration/0/recordname" = "local";

"/software/components/globuscfg/gris/registration/0/regname" = "localreg";

"/software/components/globuscfg/giis/allowedregs/0/recordname" = "local";

"/software/components/globuscfg/mds/giis/allowedregs/0/allowreg" = "hostname:port";

"/software/components/globuscfg/mds/giis/registration/remote/name" = "local";

"/software/components/globuscfg/mds/giis/registration/remote/regname" = "somecountry";

"/software/components/globuscfg/mds/giis/registration/remote/reghost" = "";

"/software/components/globuscfg/mds/giis/registration/remote/regport" = 2135;

"/software/components/globuscfg/mds/giis/registration/remote/regperiod" = 40;

"/software/components/globuscfg/mds/giis/registration/remote/ttl"= 40;

"/software/components/globuscfg/gridftp/user" = "ftpuser";

"/software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/jobmanagers/0/recordname" = "JobManager";

"/software/components/globuscfg/gatekeeper/jobmanagers/0/extra_config" = "extra_configs";

This changes the default location of the Globus software and tells the component to manage the MDS and GridFTP daemons. Two information providers (GRISes) are configured which register with the "local" GIIS. The local GIIS then registers with the given remote GIIS. The user with which to run the GridFTP daemon is set to ftpuser while the one for MDS is mdsuser.


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

  • Around line 121:

    Expected text after =item, not a bullet